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Knowledge Base

What is a Sleep Disorder

What is a Sleep Disorder?

Sleep is integral to your physical and mental health. However, multiple studies and surveys have found that many people (ranging
All About Sleep Bruxism

All About Sleep Bruxism

Although there are no official statistics available on sleep bruxism, it is thought that 10% of the UK population experience
All about Niemann-Pick Disease

All about Niemann-Pick Disease

There are different types of Niemann-Pick disease but all are rare. There are no statistics for its prevalence in the
What is phagophobia?

What is Phagophobia?

Phagophobia is a type of specific phobia characterised by an extreme and overwhelming fear of swallowing. It is a relatively
What is Personalisation

What is Personalisation?

Studies show that most of us will take the credit for ourselves if things go well, but put the blame
What is Labelling

What is Labelling?

Our judgement of ourselves and others is often coloured by imperfect mental shortcuts and, sometimes, unfair stereotypes. A classic example
All about Always Being Right

All about Always Being Right

Most people quite like to be right. When we can answer questions on TV quiz shows, particularly shows like Who
What is Selective Abstraction

What is Selective Abstraction?

Anyone who listens to, reads or watches news and current affairs at the moment is forgiven for thinking that the
What is Overgeneralisation

What is Overgeneralisation?

We are all guilty of forms of overgeneralising from time to time. Our bus is late, we sigh and say,
What is Emotional Reasoning

What is Emotional Reasoning?

We have all had times when we have felt anxious about something and thought to ourselves, “I know this isn't
What is Magical Thinking

What is Magical Thinking?

Even though we are in the 21st century, numerous superstitions from times gone by still prevail. Many of these superstitions
All About Jumping to Conclusions

All about Jumping to Conclusions

Human brains are finely tuned, decision-making machines designed to make quick judgments on a wide variety of confusing events. Our
All About Cognitive Distortions

All about Cognitive Distortions

There are times when all of us have unfounded thoughts about ourselves, other people or a situation, for example when
All about ehlers-danlos syndrome

All about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of inherited connective tissue disorders. These syndromes affect the structure and function of collagen,