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CPD courses for Fire Marshals

Find Continuous Professional Development courses specifically designed for your career

Why do Fire Marshals need CPD?

CPD Guide for Fire Marshals

In the UK there are almost 20,000 commercial fires each year which means that fire marshals have a lot of responsibility. They are responsible for guiding people out of a building safely in the event of a fire and helping minimise the risk of a fire starting in the first place. In workplaces, there are often designated fire marshals. This can either be your sole job for the company, or you can train up to become the fire marshal alongside your main job. Fire prevention is an ongoing and consistent responsibility that must be adhered to daily.

Proper fire prevention with reduce the likelihood and risk of a fire breaking out. To prevent a fire from happening, the fire marshal must identify fire hazards at the workplace and work to mitigate these using a fire risk assessment. As well as this, fire safety checks can be completed such as checks on fire doors, alarms, emergency exits, break glass call points, fire safety signs, exit routes and emergency lighting. To check these precautions in action workplaces should conduct fire drills where a fire alarm test takes place and a test evacuation proceeds.

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Used by thousands of organisation just like yours.
“From rolling out our new essential training package for staff up and down the country to assisting with ongoing training needs, the team at CPD Online have been responsive, efficient, and helpful every step of the way.”

Dan King

Mobilisation, Training & Performance Manager

“The learner is able to take a break and go back to the training at any time.  The certificate is easy to download and a printed version is also posted to the learner.  The quiz at the end really tests the learner’s knowledge to evidence they have learnt what is expected.”

Sophie Aiken

HR Manager

“The Recruitment Safeguarding module gave our team the confidence to work within the legal and best practice parameters of our roles. It could be completed in bite size chucks at times that suited the individual which made it perfect for studying alongside work.”

Harriet Lee

Retail Recruitment Manager


What CPD courses do Fire Marshals need?

The key tools needed to be successful in a fire marshal role include a fire risk assessment, fire extinguishers, fire safety signs, fire safety alarms, emergency lighting, and fire safety training. Knowledge of these essential tools can be found by completing CPD. CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is an ongoing form of training to keep you up to date with developments in your field. This is especially important for fire safety marshals because they have responsibility for people’s safety in the event of a fire. There are a range of courses that we provide for fire marshals. Some of these are listed below.

 Health and Safety for Employees – the course covers a wide variety of health and safety practice including ergonomics, COSHH, fire, electricity, working at height, noise and vibration.

 Assessing Risk (Risk Assessment) – this course will cover the legal requirements of ensuring the health, safety and welfare of employees. Identifying hazards is key to this training as well as the nine principles of prevention. You will explore all the relevant health and safety legislation to help minimise and eliminate risk.

 Confined Spaces – this course will explain why confined spaces are dangerous and the hazards associated with them. It looks at risk assessment for confined spaces and how to reduce risk.

 COSHH Awareness – even if you don’t work with hazardous substances, this course is important for fire marshals because it covers hazardous symbols (such as what substances are flammable). Their meanings will be explained as well as the steps to take to carry out a COSHH assessment to reduce the risk.

 Fire Safety Awareness – this course will provide a greater understanding of how to respond to a risk of fire in the workplace, which is essential for a fire marshal. It covers the use of fire extinguishers and the difference between each one, escape routes, fire behaviour, and fire prevention. It also goes into detail about the role of a fire marshal.

 Fire Safety in Care Homes – in this course you will consider the fire safety arrangements that are required and determined by the results of the fire risk assessment, as well as learn that fire safety arrangements are part of a company’s fire safety policy and management plan. It is vital that you understand the type of care home, the type of premises, and the different groups of people it caters for when looking at fire safety as the responsible person in this setting.

 Fire Safety in Nurseries – you will learn why fire safety is important, prevention methods that can be put in place and what to do in the event of a fire. This course covers fire safety legislation in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and is suitable for nursery staff and managers, and those of them who become designated fire marshals.

 Fire Safety in Schools – in this course you will be introduced to the importance of fire safety in schools and who has the legal responsibility for fire safety within a school setting. You will also gain a greater knowledge of the legislation, policies and procedures around fire safety in schools and will know what action to take if a fire was to take place.

 Fire Warden – throughout this Fire Warden course, you will be introduced to the importance of fire safety at work. You will also gain a greater knowledge of the legislation, policy and procedures around fire safety at work and will know what action to take if a fire was to take place. From our Fire Warden course, you will consider how to reduce the risk of a fire and some of the aids that can be used to warn and assist in evacuating those who are vulnerable.

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A guide to CPD for Fire Marshals

To become a fire marshal in the UK, you will need to take a training course that covers fire safety regulations, fire risk assessments, and emergency procedures. Fire safety regulations have recently been updated in the UK with a new Fire Safety England Regulations 2022 coming into effect. An additional requirement has been placed on domestic premises too, for multi-occupancy buildings. This is through the Fire Safety Act 2021.

CPD certificates

All of our CPD training courses result in you receiving a CPD certificate when you have successfully passed the course. The CPD certificate will demonstrate that you are certified in that particular subject area and may be called upon to show that you are competent in the required health and safety for your role. To ensure that you can always access your CPD certificate as needed, you will be able to download your CPD certificate directly to your computer, or even be sent a hard copy from us in the post.

Logging CPD hours 

We advise our students to log the amount of time that is spent on CPD courses to showcase how many hours of CPD training they have completed. This can be important in some industries where there is a set number of hours that you need to spend on CPD training each year. An easy way of keeping track of your CPD hours is to keep a hard copy or digital log of the time you spend on CPD. You could set a timer when you start your training and end your timer when finished to see the number of hours that you need to log.

Keeping evidence 

There are a number of activities that you can do that will count towards your CPD training. Courses are of particular value, because they are specifically designed to teach your subject area.

However, as well as courses you could also:

  •  Attend a conference.
  •  Complete e-learning.
  •  Job shadow work colleagues.
  •  Conduct your own research.
  •  Practise fire drills.
  •  Work with a mentor.

Renewing CPD certificates

It is recommended that fire marshals receive refresher training every year to keep their skills up to date. Fire marshals have the responsibility of preventing fires and evacuating people from a building with a fire, so being up to date on safety rules and regulations is crucial in this line of work. You can renew your CPD certificate with us easily by completing a refresher of your course.

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