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All about Anger

Last updated on 15th January 2025

Whether it’s a fleeting annoyance or a simmering rage, anger has the potential to profoundly impact our lives and relationships. According to a recent report, around one in four people (24%) experience anger regularly. Even though one-quarter of us experience this emotion frequently, it’s often misunderstood. Importantly, if it is unchecked, it can affect our well-being and lead to further problems. Understanding the nature of anger, its triggers and effective management strategies is crucial for harnessing its energy constructively and leading a more balanced and fulfilling life. This article will explore everything you need to know about anger and how to deal with it effectively.

What is anger?

Anger is a natural yet complex human emotion. It arises in response to perceived threats, injustices or frustrations. When anger strikes, it is accompanied by a range of physiological, emotional and cognitive responses. Though anger alone isn’t inherently negative, the way it is expressed and managed determines the impact it has on individuals and those around them.

Anger can manifest as feelings of irritation, frustration, resentment or even rage. This is often accompanied by physical sensations, including an increased heart rate, muscle tension and a surge of energy. Cognitively, anger can influence our thoughts, leading to a narrowed focus on the source of anger and a heightened sense of perceived injustice or wrongdoing.

No two people will be triggered to feel anger by the same factors. Common reasons to feel angry include personal conflicts, perceived threats to values or well-being and feeling as though you’ve been treated unfairly. People also experience anger internally when they become frustrated with themselves or don’t meet their own expectations.

While anger is a natural and normal human emotion, uncontrolled or mismanaged anger can have detrimental effects on our well-being and relationships.

Understanding anger and its underlying causes is an essential step towards effective anger management. By developing self-awareness, recognising our triggers and implementing healthy coping strategies, we can navigate anger constructively and productively.

Managing Anger At Work

Types of anger

Understanding the different types of anger can help individuals identify and address their specific anger patterns. Recognising the specific type of anger one experiences can help in developing appropriate anger management strategies and seeking professional support if necessary.

Here are some common types of anger:

Passive anger

Passive anger is characterised by indirect expressions of anger, often through passive-aggressive behaviour. Individuals may suppress their anger and instead display subtle forms of resistance, sarcasm or covert hostility. Passive anger can create a toxic environment, as the underlying anger is not openly addressed or resolved.

Aggressive anger

Aggressive anger involves outwardly aggressive behaviour. Examples include shouting, physical aggression and verbal threats. Aggression like this can be intimidating and potentially harmful to both the individual experiencing anger and those around them. This type of anger often arises from a sense of perceived threat or a need to exert control over a situation.

Chronic anger

Individuals who experience chronic anger may have a short fuse, constantly feel irritated or resentful and find it challenging to let go of past grievances. Chronic anger can significantly impact mental and physical well-being, leading to heightened stress levels and strained relationships.

Constructive anger

Constructive anger is a healthier expression of anger that focuses on addressing the underlying issue rather than venting or lashing out. It involves assertively expressing one’s needs, boundaries or concerns respectfully. Constructive anger aims to find solutions, promote open communication and foster personal growth and understanding.

Irrational anger

Irrational anger is characterised by intense emotional reactions that are disproportionate to the triggering event or situation. Individuals experiencing irrational anger may struggle to regulate their emotions and may find it challenging to regain a sense of calm. Irrational anger can stem from deep-seated issues or unresolved emotional wounds.

The cycle of anger

Anger often follows a distinct cycle, encompassing different phases that individuals may go through when experiencing this intense emotion. Understanding the cycle of anger can provide insights into the underlying processes and help individuals navigate their anger more effectively.

Here are the typical phases of the anger cycle:

Trigger Phase:

The trigger phase marks the initial event or situation that provokes anger. Triggers can vary widely and may include perceived injustices, personal slights, unmet expectations or frustrating circumstances. Triggers can be different for each individual and what may provoke anger in one person won’t necessarily affect another in the same way.

Emotional and Physiological Response:

In this phase, individuals experience a surge of emotions and physiological changes associated with anger. They may feel intense frustration, irritability or even rage. At this point, their heart rate will increase, their blood pressure will rise and their muscles will become tense. This is a part of the body’s natural fight-or-flight response. A heightened state of arousal like this prepares individuals to confront or defend against the perceived threat or source of anger.

Cognitive Appraisal:

During the cognitive appraisal phase, individuals interpret and evaluate the triggering event or situation. The interpretation of the trigger plays a crucial role in determining the intensity of the anger experienced. With this phase, you see different outcomes that range from mild annoyance to intense anger.

Behavioural Response:

The behavioural response phase involves the outward expression of anger. The behavioural response is influenced by factors such as learned behaviour, cultural norms and individual coping mechanisms. How individuals express their anger can have significant consequences for themselves and others around them.

Aftermath and Reflection:

After the behavioural response, individuals may experience a period of calm or remorse. They may reflect on their anger episode, evaluate the consequences of their actions and assess the effectiveness of their response. This reflection phase provides an opportunity for self-awareness, growth and learning. It is during this phase that individuals can develop strategies for managing anger more constructively in the future.


Symptoms of anger

Anger can manifest in various ways, both emotionally and physically. Recognising the symptoms of anger is crucial for understanding and managing this intense emotion effectively.

Here are some common symptoms of anger:

Emotional Symptoms:

  •  Feeling irritable, frustrated or annoyed.
  •  Experiencing intense anger or rage.
  •  Having a short temper or feeling easily provoked.
  •  Feeling resentful or holding grudges.
  •  Having difficulty controlling or managing anger.
  •  Feeling a sense of injustice or indignation.

Behavioural Symptoms:

  •  Verbal aggression, such as yelling, shouting or using harsh language.
  •  Physical aggression, such as hitting, throwing objects or damaging property.
  •  Passive-aggressive behaviour, where anger is expressed indirectly through sarcasm, silent treatment or manipulation.
  •  Withdrawal or isolation from others.
  •  Clenching fists, pacing or displaying other signs of restlessness.
  •  Impulsive or reckless behaviour.

Physical Symptoms:

  •  Increased heart rate and blood pressure.
  •  Tense muscles, including clenched jaw or fists.
  •  Headaches or migraines.
  •  Sweating or hot flushes.
  •  Trembling or shaking.
  •  Upset stomach or digestive issues.
  •  Fatigue or difficulty sleeping.

Cognitive Symptoms:

  •  Racing or intrusive thoughts.
  •  Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
  •  Tunnel vision or narrowed focus on the source of anger.
  •  Ruminating on past events or perceived injustices.
  •  Unrealistic or exaggerated thoughts about the situation.
  •  Difficulty seeing alternative perspectives or finding solutions.

Causes of anger

Anger can arise from a variety of triggers and underlying factors. Understanding the causes of anger is essential for effectively managing this powerful emotion.

Here are some common causes of anger:

  •  Frustration: Feeling thwarted, blocked or unable to achieve desired goals or outcomes can lead to feelings of anger. Frustration often arises when our expectations are not met or when we face obstacles in our path.
  •  Injustice: Witnessing or experiencing unfairness, discrimination or perceived violations of our rights or values can evoke anger. This can occur in personal relationships, social settings or in response to broader societal issues.
  •  Fear or Threat: Anger can be a defensive response to feeling threatened or in danger. It may emerge as a way to protect oneself or assert control in a perceived threatening situation.
  •  Hurt or Betrayal: When we feel hurt, betrayed or emotionally wounded by someone’s actions or words, anger may arise as a defence mechanism or as an expression of our pain.
  •  Stress and Pressure: High levels of stress, pressure or overwhelming demands can increase irritability and make us more prone to anger. Stressors can include work-related issues, financial challenges or personal life difficulties.
  •  Unmet Needs: When our basic needs (e.g., love, respect, autonomy or security) are not fulfilled, it can lead to feelings of anger. Unmet needs can occur in relationships, work environments or other areas of life.
  •  Internal Factors: Sometimes, anger can stem from unresolved traumas, unresolved conflicts, low self-esteem or underlying mental health issues. These internal factors can intensify anger reactions or make it harder to manage anger effectively.

Understanding anger

Differentiating between healthy and unhealthy anger is crucial. Healthy anger allows us to express our emotions assertively, set boundaries and constructively address injustices. Unhealthy anger, on the other hand, involves aggressive or violent behaviour, prolonged resentment or a constant state of hostility, which can harm relationships and our overall well-being.

By gaining insight into the causes and responses to anger, we can develop greater self-awareness and employ effective anger management techniques.

Complications of anger

It is important to recognise the potential complications and negative effects of uncontrolled anger. Firstly, uncontrolled anger can strain relationships and lead to significant damage. Explosive outbursts, verbal or physical aggression and constant hostility can erode trust, create emotional distance and cause pain to those around us. It may result in the breakdown of friendships, strained family dynamics and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy connections with others.

Chronic anger can also take a toll on physical and mental well-being. When a person spends a lot of time angry, their body is in a constant stress response with high blood pressure, an increased heart rate and weakened immune system functioning. When anger is prolonged, these physiological effects can contribute to health issues like cardiovascular problems, compromised immune function and chronic pain conditions. Uncontrolled anger can also contribute to the development or exacerbation of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety as well as substance abuse.

Furthermore, expressing anger in harmful or destructive ways can have serious consequences. Engaging in aggressive or violent behaviour not only causes harm to others but also carries legal and social ramifications. Uncontrolled anger can lead to poor decision-making, impaired judgement and a loss of self-control, which can result in regrettable actions and unintended consequences.

Risks of suppressing anger

Although uncontrolled anger has detrimental effects, it is also important to recognise the risks of suppressing anger. Suppressing or bottling up anger without addressing it can lead to its own set of consequences.

When anger is consistently suppressed, it can build up over time and contribute to chronic stress. The emotional burden of unexpressed anger can lead to feelings of resentment, frustration and dissatisfaction. The constant internalisation of anger can weigh heavily on our mental well-being, affecting our overall mood and contributing to increased stress levels.

Suppressing anger can also hinder effective communication and create barriers in our relationships. When we fail to express our needs, concerns or boundaries assertively, unresolved anger can simmer beneath the surface and negatively impact our interactions with others.

Studies have also suggested a link between suppressed anger and certain health conditions. Chronic suppression of anger has been associated with increased risks of high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems and compromised immune system functioning. The research also indicates a higher incidence of death from cancer.

Suppressing anger can also have a detrimental effect on our mental well-being. The constant suppression of anger without healthy outlets for expression can lead to emotional distress, irritability and difficulty managing emotions.

It is important to find a balance between expressing anger constructively and managing it healthily. Rather than suppressing anger completely, it is essential to develop effective anger management strategies that allow for its expression in a safe and controlled way. By acknowledging and addressing our anger, we can better understand its underlying causes, manage our emotions and promote healthier relationships and overall well-being.

Anger in the Workplace

When do you know anger is a problem?

Anger is a natural emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, there are instances when anger becomes problematic and requires attention.

Here are some signs to help identify when anger may be a problem:

  •  Intensity and Frequency: If you find that your anger is intense or disproportionate to the situation, or if you frequently experience anger in response to various triggers, it may be an indication that anger is becoming problematic.
  •  Difficulty Managing Anger: Anger becomes a problem when it becomes challenging to control or manage. This can manifest as difficulty in calming down, prolonged periods of anger or an inability to express anger healthily and constructively. If you experience aggressive outbursts that include verbal or physical violence or cause harm to yourself or others, it may indicate a problem.
  •  Negative Impact on Relationships: When anger starts to negatively impact your relationships, it is a cause for concern. This can include frequent conflicts, strained interactions or a breakdown in communication and trust.
  •  Impairment in Daily Functioning: Anger becomes problematic when it interferes with your ability to carry out daily activities and responsibilities. This may include difficulties at work, strained social interactions or impairment in fulfilling personal commitments and obligations.
  •  Emotional and Physical Health Consequences: Anger that leads to emotional distress, prolonged periods of negative mood or physical health issues is a clear indication that it has become problematic.

Recognising when anger has become a problem is the first step towards seeking support and implementing effective strategies for anger management.

How can you manage anger?

Anger is a powerful emotion that requires effective management to prevent negative consequences. There are many healthy ways to manage anger. The first step is to recognise the problem. Paying attention to physical and emotional signs of anger is crucial. Developing self-awareness and understanding patterns and triggers can help.

Anger management techniques

There are a range of ways to relieve anger and manage it carefully. Practising deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or mindfulness meditation, can calm your mind and body during moments of anger.

Another approach is to use cognitive restructuring. This aims to challenge and reframe negative thoughts that contribute to anger. It replaces irrational or hostile thoughts with more rational and positive ones.

You can also learn assertiveness skills to express your anger constructively and respectfully. Use “I” statements and active listening to communicate your feelings and needs effectively. Your trusted friends and family can also provide guidance, perspective and feedback to help you manage anger more effectively.

Stress reduction and self-care

To manage anger further, you can work to identify and manage stressors that contribute to its manifestation. Practise stress management techniques (exercise, relaxation exercises or engaging in hobbies, for example) to reduce overall stress levels. You should also make time for self-care activities that promote relaxation, well-being and balance in your life. This can include getting sufficient sleep and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment.

Final thoughts on anger

Though feelings of anger come to us all, individuals need to recognise when their levels of anger are too great. When anger is managed and controlled, it can be harnessed as a tool to meet our needs. However, uncontrolled or suppressed anger causes greater problems emotionally, physically and in relationships and work. Anyone who recognises an anger problem in themselves can seek help from anger management support services.

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About the author

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Louise Woffindin

Louise is a writer and translator from Sheffield. Before turning to writing, she worked as a secondary school language teacher. Outside of work, she is a keen runner and also enjoys reading and walking her dog Chaos.