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Who Should Make a RIDDOR Report?

Last updated on 15th January 2025

In every company where RIDDOR reports could be made there needs to be a set responsible person, it is the job of the responsible person to make the RIDDOR report and the RIDDOR report should only be made by the responsible person. The responsible person can be the employer, a self-employed person or a person who is in control of a work premises.

The employer is responsible for reporting employee deaths, specified injuries, over 7-day injuries and occupational diseases. It is also the responsibility of the employer to report dangerous occurrences that occur on sites they own.

For self employed people, that are working on their own premises, have the duty to report specified injuries, over 7-day injuries and occupational diseases. Someone else can report on a self-employed person’s behalf. If a doctor tells the person they have a work-related disease or condition then they need to report in online as soon as possible.

If you are unsure on what exactly is reportable under RIDDOR legislation, check out our What is reportable under RIDDOR? article.

The person in control of premises

For a self-employed person that is working on another person’s premises, it is the responsibility of the person in charge of the premises to report deaths, specified injuries and over 7-day injuries of the self-employed person.

If a member of the public is injured or killed in a workplace accident, it is the responsibility of the person in control of the premises to make the RIDDOR report.

Sometimes temporary workers can suffer injuries that are reportable, although they are employed by an agency it isn’t the agency’s responsibility to make the RIDDOR report, it is the duty of the person in control of the premises, this is because the accident has occurred on their premises.

It is important for the agency to clarify with the employer about what to do in the event that the agency worker gets injured, it helps to clear things up, so that no one gets confused and the report doesn’t end up going in.

According to the Health and Safety Executive from 2018 – 2019 there were 69,209 fatal injuries reported by employers

Gas supplier, importer or distributor of flammable gas

It is the duty of the responsible person to report to the HSE if a person dies, suffers loss of consciousness or has been hospitalized as a result of flammable gas. The responsible person is often someone in the Gas Emergency Service Providers (ESPs).

Gas workers assessing equipment after RIDDOR report

Gas engineers

They are the responsible person for reporting gas related hazards, these can be dangerous and they could result in death, hospitalization or loss of consciousness. It is the duty of an engineer or their employer to report where the hazard relates to the design, construction, installation, modification or incorrect servicing of fittings.

Specialised workplaces

It is important that there is still the responsible person in a specialized workplace to make a RIDDOR report in the event of an accident or incident. Special work places include mines, quarries, wells and pipelines.

Offshore workplaces

The Offshore Installations and Pipeline works Regulations 1995 state that the responsible person for making reports is the duty manager. The HSE Energy division are there to give help and advice to offshore workers on the reporting procedure for offshore workers.

For diving projects, the responsible person is the diving contractor, it is their responsibility to make the report of any accidents or dangerous occurrences that happen.

Offshore workers discussing RIDDOR reports

When should a RIDDOR report be made?

If there has been a fatality or specified injury, a report should be made immediately this can be done via telephone or online, the report should be sent within 10 days of the incident occurring.

If an injury that results in the person has been off work for more than 7 continuous days then a report needs to be sent online within 15 days of the incident.

If there has been an injury that results in the person has been off work for more than 3 continuous days then reporting isn’t required but it should be recorded in the accident book. Every work place should have an accident book and if they don’t, they are breaking the law.

If there has been a diagnosed disease then the responsible person needs to report the diagnosis of the disease.

If there has been a dangerous occurrence then the responsible person needs to report immediately online or send a report in within 10 days of the incident.

If there has been a gas incident or a dangerous gas fitting then a report needs to be done online, it should be done within 14 days of the incident or observation of the fitting.

The responsible persons duties

It is important that the responsible person knows what their duties are, this means that they won’t miss reporting things that need to be reported. It is important that accidents and injuries are reported as they act as a warning that there are uncontrolled hazards. It means that things can be put into place to remove the hazard and this can help accidents to be reduced and helps to make sure that an accident doesn’t happen again that could result in a serious injury or death.

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Eve Johnson

Eve has worked at CPD from the start, she organises the course and blog production, as well as supporting students with any problems they may have and helping them choose the correct courses. Eve is also studying for her Business Administration Level 3 qualification. Outside of work Eve likes to buy anything with flamingos on it, catching up with friends, spending time with her family and occasionally going to the gym!