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Money laundering poses a significant threat to the global economy and financial system. This is a battle of the highest stakes and incorporates financial crimes and terrorism. One of the best defences against money laundering is Customer Due Diligence, or CDD.
According to the National Crime Agency, there are more than 460,000 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) submitted each year. These are submitted to the UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU), which is responsible for analysing and disseminating the information within them. SARs are a critical part in tackling money laundering. SARs are closely linked to customer due diligence (CDD) within the broader framework of anti-money laundering (AML) efforts.
The process of CDD is more than just regulation; it is relentless in the fight against money laundering and the crimes it helps to finance. This proactive strategy aims to uncover customer relationships. It means financial institutions gain insights to help them know the difference between legitimate financial activities and ones that could mean money laundering is happening.
What is money laundering
Money laundering is an illegal financial process that disguises the origins of funds to make them appear legitimate when they’re not. The consequences of money laundering are far-reaching. They affect security, fairness and economic integrity. Perpetrators undermine laws and financial systems and use their funds to finance criminal activity like terrorism.
Money laundering causes an uneven playing field; people with these ill-gotten gains have an unfair advantage. The process undermines the trust people place in financial institutions; it perpetuates inequality and fuels corruption. It also directly threatens national security when it finances terrorism.
Money laundering is a worldwide problem. Criminal organisations exploit the international financial system, which means financial institutions must work together to detect and prevent it.

The core elements of customer due diligence
Customer due diligence (CDD) is a frontline defence against money laundering. It prevents illicit funds from infiltrating into the legitimate financial system. The effectiveness of CDD is dependent on processes and components working together. These include:
Identity verification
The most important aspect of CDD is the verification of customer identities. This involves confirming the identity of anyone engaging in financial transactions. For identification procedures to be robust, they should incorporate the collection of official documents and biometric data so that the business or institution knows who the person is. This prevents criminals from exploiting systems by impersonating others.
Risk assessment
Lots of financial decisions are based on customers and their identified risks. All customers have an associated risk, but this is different for everyone. CDD includes a comprehensive assessment that categorises customers on their potential exposure to illicit activities like money laundering. Financial institutions look at things like:
- The type of business
- The geographic location
- The transaction volume
- The nature of the products or services involved.
Financial institutions gauge the risks and tailor their AML efforts to allocate resources where the risks are highest.
Ongoing monitoring
CDD doesn’t just happen at the start of a customer relationship. Many people engaging in illicit activities can convince banks that they’re legitimate initially. For this reason, CDD needs to be an ongoing process that is able to detect and respond to changes in behaviour or transaction patterns. With sophisticated monitoring systems, it is possible to stay vigilant against new and emerging techniques. Real-time surveillance means that alarms are raised when there are deviations from the norm. As such, suspicious activities can be stopped in their tracks before they escalate.
CDD contributes to effective AML processes
The core elements of CDD are important in ensuring there is a solid foundation on which to base decisions. This approach enhances compliance with regulations and law while also strengthening the institution’s resilience against criminal activities.

Regulatory framework and compliance
To protect financial institutions and pursue financial integrity, there are regulations that govern CDD requirements. At the national level, several regulatory bodies work to set the standards and expectations. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) along with the National Crime Agency (NCA) are at the forefront. They shape and enforce regulations aimed at preventing money laundering. There are also legislative frameworks like the Proceeds of Crime Act and the Money Laundering Regulations that outline obligations that financial institutions and businesses must adhere to. These mandate identity verification and risk assessments and emphasise the importance of ongoing monitoring.
Since money laundering transcends borders, financial institutions must cooperate with international bodies. These include the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which sets standards and recommendations against money laundering and terrorist financing. The FATF outlines 40 recommendations to guide countries in their AML and CDD processes.
Obligations for financial institutions and businesses
Compliance with CDD requirements is a part of regulations. Institutions must establish and maintain risk-based policies and procedures. They must also conduct due diligence on customers and report suspicious activities. If they don’t comply, they face legal ramifications but also jeopardise their own integrity.
There is also the obligation to report suspicious activity. Detecting and reporting anomalies is crucial and institutions like banks serve as the frontline defence in AML measures.
How technology is helping with compliance
Financial crimes are evolving, and technology is increasingly invaluable in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance. Innovations like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain and advanced data analytics help financial institutions with their CDD processes. These technologies make identification verification more accurate and improve ongoing monitoring systems. Ultimately, they help to defend against the increasingly sophisticated tactics used by financial criminals.
AI and machine learning in CDD
Advanced algorithms powered by AI can help financial institutions with their CDD as they can analyse huge amounts of data quickly, including biometric information and historical transactions. Machine learning also has the ability to identify patterns and anomalies in customer behaviours, which makes the approach to risk management more proactive.
Blockchain technology
Though this is often associated with cryptocurrencies, blockchain is a useful technology as it is decentralised and enhances the transparency and security of transactions. For CDD, blockchain can help secure customer information sharing between financial institutions so that it is tamper-proof and only able to be accessed by authorised entities.
Enhanced due diligence
As well as the standard customer due diligence, businesses are using enhanced due diligence (EDD) to address and mitigate further risks with certain high-risk customers. Enhanced due diligence is a more comprehensive level of security. When customers are deemed to pose a higher risk of being involved in money laundering or other illicit financial activities like terrorist financing, EDD is used.
Standard CDD practices form the baseline. They establish each customer’s identity and risk profile. With EDD, customers go through a more thorough examination. This is tailored to the specific risks associated with them, their business, or their transactions.
When is enhanced due diligence necessary?
EDD is not universal as it is more resource heavy. Its application is triggered by certain scenarios and risk factors. Here are some circumstances that might trigger EDD:
- Higher-risk customers: EDD is needed when customers or businesses are deemed to be higher risk. This could be because of their business activities, geographic location or even an association with politically exposed persons (PEPs). It means that these customers could cause elevated risks, which necessitates a deeper level of scrutiny. PEPs might be heads of state, members of parliament or ambassadors and their family members, business associates and beneficiaries.
- Unusual transactions: These are classed as transactions that aren’t in line with the norm. They might be unusual in their volume or frequency, for example. Being proactive in these situations helps uncover potential money laundering early.
- Complex ownership structures: Businesses that have complex structures like those involving multiple jurisdictions mean there is a higher risk of money laundering, which could call for EDD procedures. Financial institutions can mitigate risks by understanding the flow of funds in these structures.
What EDD does beyond CDD standard measures
EDD goes beyond standard CDD by incorporating extra levels of security. These often include:
In-depth investigation
EDD involves investigating more extensively into a customer’s background, financial dealings and business operations. EDD procedures could involve interviews, site visits and viewing or extra documentation.
Continuous monitoring
CDD usually involves reviewing customers periodically. EDD, on the other hand, often incorporates constant monitoring of higher-risk customers. This ensures that if there is any change in behaviour or risk factors, they are identified and addressed quickly.
Approval by senior management
The seriousness of EDD often requires approval from a senior management person. This is due to the increased scrutiny and resources needed. This also means that there is a higher level of accountability for managing certain customers and their risks.
The ripple effect of effective CDD
The impact of CDD is far-reaching. Besides the immediate role it plays in preventing money laundering, it ensures that financial institutions and the financial ecosystem remain both trustworthy and resilient. Effective CDD shields financial institutions and businesses from illicit financial activities while also showing the institution to be a place that safeguards reputations, mitigates legal risks and upholds trust.
Upholding trust in the financial system
Trust is important for all financial practices, institutions and systems. Effective CDD is powerful in preserving trust as it ensures all financial transactions are conducted transparently and with integrity. When customers have confidence in their bank or financial institution, they trust the broader economy and feel secure.
Protection from legal risks
The legalities of money laundering are unforgiving. Effective CDD helps financial institutions meet their regulatory obligations whilst also protecting them from the legal implications of illicit financial practice. When businesses adhere to robust CDD processes, they demonstrate their attempts to prevent the inadvertent facilitation of illicit money transactions. If they were to be scrutinised by regulatory bodies, they could show they have a well-established framework for CDD, which protects them against potential legal repercussions and positions them on solid ground from a legal perspective.
Mitigating risks to reputation
Besides ensuring compliance with regulations and law, effective CDD also safeguards businesses from reputational damage. Public perception is paramount. Businesses that have stringent customer due diligence practices show they are committed to ethical conduct. Being implicated in money laundering will be a scandal that tarnishes the business image irreparably. As such, businesses that practise effective CDD use it as a reputational insurance policy that preserves the trust of their investors and clients as well as that of the wider public.
Strengthening regulatory compliance
Effective CDD is something that financial institutions must do. Yet, those that embrace it and put into place robust practices show that they’re aligning with national and international expectations. This positions them as responsible stewards of compliance and shows they are committed to combating money laundering collectively with others.
Effective CDD helps foster economic stability
Beyond the role it plays for an individual business, effective CDD contributes to the stability of the wider economy. Since CDD prevents the infiltration of illicit funds into the financial sector, it helps maintain market integrity. In turn, this ensures fair competition and prevents illegally obtained funds from influencing the economy.

Final thoughts: What can we expect from the future of AML and CDD?
As we look at the integral role of customer due diligence (CDD) against money laundering, we need to understand the evolving nature of financial crimes and what this could mean for the path of CDD in AML practices.
We can expect data analytics, combined with artificial intelligence, to play a pivotal role in CDD in the future. These technologies will ultimately work as fast as money laundering perpetrators in detecting anomalies and hidden patterns. Thus, financial institutions will be able to stay one step ahead of the game and will be able to anticipate potential risks and strengthen their measures.
As the landscape of financial crimes evolves, so too will the regulatory frameworks governing compliance. Collaboration and information sharing will continue to be paramount. The future demands vigilance. Innovation and a collaborative approach will continue to strengthen the financial system so that it is resilient to money laundering threats.