COVID-19 Training Investor Badge

Place our Training Badge to show that you invest in CPD certified courses.

Advertise how you invest in CPD

Show off the fact you invest in COVID-19 Awareness

A lot of people don’t invest in continuous training and improvement – so show off the fact that you do!

Display our COVID-19 Training Investor badge to demonstrate to clients and staff that you value building knowledge and have an understanding of how to keep yourself and others safe. Our CIVID-19 badge displays the fact that you and your staff have undertaken essential training to understand the pandemic and how to keep your customers safe at all times.

COVID-19 Awareness Badge

Place our badge anywhere

Show the fact you invest in professional development online or in print.

On your website

Put the badge on your website or app.

In emails

Show off by placing the badge in your email signature.

Print advertising

Our badge looks great in paper advertising.

Place our badge on your site

Copy and paste the code below to place our Training Investor Badge.